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- Interface electronic structure of BaTiO3@X nanoparticles (X=g-Fe2O3, Fe3O4, a-Fe2O3, and Fe) investigated by XAS and XMCD, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 79, pp033402, 2009.
- Strain induced magnetoelectric coupling in BaTiO3/Fe3O4 core/shell nanoparticles, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 94, pp032903~032903, 2009.
- Magnetoelectric and magnetodielectric properties of (1- x)Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3-(x)La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 composites, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 148, pp424~427, 2008.
- Effect of grain boundary on resistive magnetodielectric property of polycrystalline gamma-Fe2O3, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 93, pp517~520, 2008.
- Elastic softening and central peaks in BaTiO3 single crystals above the cubic-tetragonal phase-transition temperature, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 93, pp102905-1~102905-3, 2008.
- Epitaxial growth of terbium iron garnet thin films with out-of-plane axis of magnetization, THIN SOLID FILMS, 516, pp7753~7757, 2008.
- Application of magnetic fields for a low temperature growth of high-quality SrRuO3 thin films, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 41, pp125005, 2008.
- Intriguing Magnetoresistance Behaviors of Epitaxial SrRuO3 Thin Films, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 52±Ç 6È£, pp1955~1958, 2008.
- Epitaxial growth and magnetodielectric properties of terbium-iron-garnet thin films, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 52±Ç 1È£, pp112~115, 2008.
- Magnetodielectric coupling in core/shell BaTiO3/gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 91±Ç 21È£, pp, 2007.
- Resistive magnetodielectric property of polycrystalline gamma-Fe2O3, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 91±Ç 13È£, pp, 2007.
- Possible Role of Disorder on Magnetostructural Transition in La1-xBaxMnO3, JOURNAL OF MAGNETICS, 12±Ç 3È£, pp103~107, 2007.
- Magnetodielectric effect in BaTiO3-LaMnO3 composites, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 102, pp014107, 2007.
- Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of BaTiO3-LaMnO3 Composites, JOURNAL OF MAGNETICS, 11±Ç 4È£, pp164~166, 2006.
- Effect of orbital rotation and mixing on the optical properties of orthorhombic RMnO3 (R=La, Pr, Nd, Gd, and Tb), PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 96, pp288~296, 2006.
- Synthesis of electric/magnetic oxide core/shell nanoparticles and their characteristics, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 48, pp677~680, 2006.
- Resonant Magnetoelectric X-ray Scattering in GaFeO3: Observation of Ordering of Toroidal Moments, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 74, pp1419, 2005.
- Optical Magnetoelectric Absorption and Diffraction in GaFeO3, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 46, pp508, 2005.
- Raman scattering and optical absorption studies of an orbital ordered Ca2RuO4, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 133, pp103, 2005.
- Optical Magnetoelectric Effect in the Polar GaFeO3 Ferrimagnet, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 93, pp037403, 2004.